Skin, leaf, blossom, plumage, bone structure, extremities, fur and the like are extracted and displayed. This detailed look at elements of extinct animals and plants underlines the loss of a differentiated part of the living world.

The video work 'Probes of Extinction', 2022 shows biological details and characteristics of extinct species. Skin, leaf, blossom, plumage, bone structure, extremities, fur and the like are extracted and displayed.
This detailed look at elements of extinct animals and plants underlines the loss of a differentiated part of the living world.

The 6th mass extinction, caused by the human's unsustainable use of land, water and energy creates a fatal change of climate. The archive 'Chronicle of Extinction' is about loss and memory of a declining biodiversity during our lifetime.

Supported by Stiftung Kunstfond. The work is ongoing.
